Instagram For Real Estate Agents: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

Why Instagram is a Must for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you’re always on the lookout for ways to reach potential clients and showcase your properties. Instagram, with its high engagement rates and loyal user base, has proven to be an excellent platform for this. This article will guide you through the benefits and best practices of using Instagram for your real estate business.

Why Should You Use Instagram?

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. It’s particularly popular among businesses because of its high engagement rates, potential for gaining loyal leads, and the opportunity to gain social proof. Moreover, it offers an excellent platform for showcasing properties and connecting with potential clients.

Best Practices

Now that we’ve established why Instagram is beneficial for real estate agents, let’s delve into some of the best practices for using this platform.

Business Profile vs. Personal Profile

First and foremost, it’s crucial to create a business profile. This allows you to access Instagram’s analytics and advertising features, which aren’t available on personal profiles. A business profile also looks more professional and can help attract more followers.

Profile Feed Theme

Your Instagram feed is the first thing potential followers see when they visit your profile. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a consistent theme. This could be a particular color scheme, style of photography, or type of content. A cohesive feed can help attract and retain followers.

Consistent Posting Schedule

Consistency is key on Instagram. Regular posts keep your followers engaged and increase the likelihood of your content being seen. Try to post at least once a day, but remember that quality is more important than quantity.


Hashtags are a powerful tool on Instagram. They can help your content reach a wider audience, attract new followers, and increase engagement. Use relevant hashtags for your industry, location, and the properties you’re showcasing.


Your Instagram bio is another important aspect of your profile. It should clearly convey who you are and what you do, and include a call to action such as a phone number or email address. This can help potential clients easily get in touch with you.


Reaching certain milestones on Instagram can unlock additional features that can be beneficial for your business. For example, once you gain 10,000 followers, you can add links to your Instagram stories, directing your followers to specific properties or your website.

How to Increase Your Followers

Gaining followers on Instagram requires consistent effort and engagement. Respond to comments, like and comment on other users’ posts, and use popular local hashtags. These strategies can help you connect with potential clients and increase your follower count.


If you find managing your Instagram account time-consuming, consider outsourcing. Hiring a social media manager or using a social media management tool can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule, engage with followers, and effectively use hashtags.

Additional Information

Instagram also offers a variety of features that can help you showcase your properties and connect with potential clients. These include Instagram Stories, IGTV, and Instagram Live. Experiment with these features to see what works best for your audience.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to share behind-the-scenes content, property tours, and updates. They’re visible for 24 hours and can be saved to your profile for future viewing. Once you reach 10,000 followers, you can also add links to your stories, directing followers to specific properties or your website.

What Not To Do

While Instagram offers many opportunities for real estate agents, there are also some practices to avoid. Don’t pay for followers, as this can harm your reputation and engagement rates. Avoid making your profile private, as this can deter potential followers. And don’t misuse hashtags – use them strategically to reach your target audience.


Instagram is a powerful tool for real estate agents. By creating a professional business profile, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, and using hashtags strategically, you can reach a wider audience, showcase your properties, and connect with potential clients. Remember to engage with your followers, experiment with different features, and avoid common pitfalls.

Would You Like To Partner With Me?

If you’re a real estate agent looking to increase your sales and online presence, I’d love to help. With my expertise in social media marketing and real estate, I can help you leverage Instagram to reach your business goals. Get in touch to discuss potential partnership opportunities.

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